Friday, June 11, 2010

I do still blog...


Over and over again I told folks that the end of the school year was, for the chaplain, not nearly as busy as it is for students and faculty.  What I had forgotten was that it is actually overwhelmingly busy...just not in a creative way.  I didn't have to write any sermons or craft any new prayers, but I did have to attend a bazillion rehearsals and pray a bazillion graduation prayers and offer a bazillion blessings to students and families and faculty moving up or moving on or moving out...

The only sermon I did work on was for Trinity Sunday, and if it was possible to make the doctrine of the Trinity even more complicated than it already is, I did it.  Somehow I ended up weaving together Alice in Wonderland, poetry about math, the Athanasian Creed, particle physics, and perichoresis (the divine dance of the persons of the Trinity in unity...see?  Ugh...) in one overly long sermon.  Not one of my finer moments in the pulpit.

What kept me sane through these weeks was this.

White.  Garter stitch.  Utterly and completely and extraordinarily simple.  Knit in cotton to become a soft little washcloth to be given with a pretty bar of soap as a gift.  The mindless knitting was such a relief, even as I ended up having to rush to finish it on time.  At the last minute, not to complicate things but just to add a little fun, I added this:

With this:

It turns out, after years of only knitting, I do still crochet!  I found this wonderful video that explained how to do the scalloped border, and if you'll please pardon the pun, I'm hooked!


Wool Free and Lovin' Knit said...

Wow, what a lovely gift. The angel soap against your white cloth is just perfect. I'm sure the recipient loved it!! I need to take a few crochet tutorials too -- there's times when it would come in very handy!

Jen said...

Thanks! It was fun to re-learn. I tend to leave the stitches on the crochet hook as if I were knitting, and always have to rip back and restart a few times! said...

What a lovely gift, you give me ideas!