Saturday, October 03, 2009

I've got sunshine...

...on a cloudy day!

Our sunflowers are blooming! Swamp sunflowers, that is. Their faces are much smaller than their more regal cousins, but they're every bit as passionate about the color yellow and they grow just as tall!

Golden Choir of Aubiere, by Allen Levi

Rows and rows of bowing heads,
Sunflowers say their evening prayer,
A congregation of the field,
The golden choir of Aubiere.
Dawn to dusk, they only turn
Up to heaven where God lives,
Every face a separate light
Reflections of the love He gives.
Lord of colors, Lord of light,
Won't you teach me how to pray
Like the flowers of Aubiere?
Won't you guide me through the day?

Rose and lily grow so fair,
But, Lord, make me like the sunflower,
Looking always to your face,
Seeking you from hour to hour.
Lord of colors, Lord of light,
Won't you teach me how to pray
Like the flowers of Aubiere?
Won't you guide me though the day?

Rows and rows of bowing heads,
the golden choir of Aubiere,
the golden choir of Aubiere.

1 comment: said...

Jennifer, I love,love,love this!