Sunday, November 01, 2009

For all the saints

We prayed these prayers during our celebration of All Saints' Day at St. Andrew's Episcopal School...

In the company of all the saints through whom God’s light has shined, let us offer our prayers for all people everywhere. In the silences, you may speak your own prayers in your hearts or aloud.

Blessed are the people of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School: we pray for our students, faculty, staff and parents. Help us as we grow in light and love and learning, for we mean to be saints, too.


Blessed are the water, the air, and the earth: we pray for all living things, radiant with your life, bright with your spirit. Make us mindful of our responsibility toward your creation, for we mean to be its caretakers, too.


Blessed are all nations, tribes, and peoples: we pray for the human race in all its rich diversity, our many faces and hands and hearts reflecting your image. Open our arms to one another, for we mean to be sisters and brothers, too.


Blessed are the peacemakers: we pray for those who work for justice, freedom and peace throughout the world, and for those who live in the shadow of violence or war. Fill us with your merciful spirit, for we mean to be peacemakers, too.


May those who are sick, injured, lonely, angry, hungry or afraid, find themselves blessed: we pray for all who suffer in mind, body or spirit. Give us strength to shoulder the suffering, for we mean to be healers, too.

We pray especially for NN... Are there others?


Blessed are those who have died, whose lives have been a light to us, whose names we remember this All Saints Day:

The chaplain reads the names of those who have died, followed by a brief silence.

We pray for all who mourn, that they may know the comfort of your presence. Grant us strength to support and encourage one another in hope, for we mean to be comforters, too.


Blessed are we all: we give you thanks for the many blessings that brighten our lives. Above all, we thank you for linking us together with all your saints, past, present and yet to come. Shine in us and through us and all around us, for we mean to be saints, too. Amen.

Artwork: "Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven," Fra Angelico.

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